
Salmon in Blankets


  • Salmon

  • Fennel seeds

  • Streaky bacon

  • Butter


Cut the salmon into bite sized chunks.

Put some fennel seeds on a plate and roll the salmon in the seeds, coating all sides.

Wrap a rasher of bacon around each of the salmon chunks. Repeat for all your salmon.

Heat a little butter in a frying pan over a fire and add the bacon wrapped fish.

Cook for 10-15 minutes, turning occasionally, until the bacon has browned and the fish is cooked through.

Alternatively cook in your oven at 200 degrees celsius.

Beer Poached Salmon

Buy Me A Coffee


  • Tablespoon of butter

  • 1 Onion

  • 1 tsp mustard seeds

  • 250ml/1 cup beer

  • 1/2 a side of Salmon


Melt the butter in a pan or cauldron. Peel and slice the onion and add to the pan, frying for a few minutes to soften.

Add the mustard seeds and fry for a few seconds, until they start to pop.

Pour the beer into the pan and bring to a boil. 

Meanwhile cut the salmon into chunks, and once the pan is boiling, add the salmon and simmer, uncovered, for around 10 minutes, until the fish is cooked through.

Serve the salmon immediately with a little of the onion broth.

Fish Cakes

Buy Me A Coffee


  • 250g cooked salmon

  • 250g cooked cod

  • 2 tsp mustard

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 egg

  • 2 tablespoons flour


Flake the cooked fish into a bowl. Stir in the mustard, salt & flour, followed by the egg.

Heat a little butter in a skillet.

Take small handfuls of the mixture and form into balls. Place the balls into the hot pan and squash slightly into ‘cakes’.

Cook for about five minutes on each side, until cooked through and golden in colour.

Cured salmon (Viking Gravadlax)


  • 100g sea salt

  • 80g honey

  • 30g dill (finely chopped)

  • 12 juniper berries (crushed)

  • A splash of mead

  • 2 salmon fillets


Mix the Salt, honey, dill & berries well.

Place some cling film into a dish and lay 1 salmon fillet, skin side down and cover with the salt mix.

Place the second fillet, skin side up, on top and wrap tightly in the cling film.

Place something heavy on top and leave in the fridge for 2 – 4 days, depending on how salty you want the fish to be. Turn every 12 hours.

Drain any surplus liquid before serving.

Taken from my book ‘Eat like a Viking!’ Available now on Amazon