
The word Halva comes from the Arabic word Hulw, or sweet. There are versions of it appearing all over the world, in different forms, and under different names, with some versions dating back as far as the 7th century!

There are so many ways to make this, you could replace the honey with sugar, for a vegan version, or replace the pistachios with other ingredients, such as, dried fruits, nuts or chocolate.


  • 340g honey

  • Handful of pistachios

  • Tsp vanilla extract

  • 450g tahini


Heat the honey in a pan until it reaches 115 degrees Celsius, or ‘soft ball’ on a thermometer.

Stir in the pistachios and vanilla extract, followed by the tahini. Mix well, until fully incorporated.

Pour into a greased and lined cake tin, and leave to cool.

Once cool remove from the tin and wrap well in cling film. Refrigerate for a minimum of 24 hrs.