
Fish Cakes

Buy Me A Coffee


  • 250g cooked salmon

  • 250g cooked cod

  • 2 tsp mustard

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 egg

  • 2 tablespoons flour


Flake the cooked fish into a bowl. Stir in the mustard, salt & flour, followed by the egg.

Heat a little butter in a skillet.

Take small handfuls of the mixture and form into balls. Place the balls into the hot pan and squash slightly into ‘cakes’.

Cook for about five minutes on each side, until cooked through and golden in colour.

Egg Custard Tarts


  • 300g plain flour (sifted)

  • 150g unsalted butter (cut into cubes)

  • Water

  • 250ml whole milk

  • 250ml Full fat cream

  • 4 egg yolks

  • 80g honey

  • Cinnamon


Add the butter to the flour and rub it between your fingers and into the flour. Keep rubbing until the mix resembles breadcrumbs.

Add a small drop of water and mix together. Keep adding a little water at a time, until the mixture comes together to form a stiff dough and leaves the bowl mostly clean.

On a lightly floured surface, roll the pastry out as thin as possible – 1 or 2 mm is best. Cut rounds for the bases using a pastry cutter and place into cupcake cases.

Blind bake (filling each pie with dry beans) for 10 minutes at 180 degrees, remove the beans and cook for a further 5 minutes at 160 degrees.

Remove from the oven.

Heat the milk and cream together until almost boiling.

Beat the egg yolks with the honey, then whisk in the hot milk.

Pour the custard into the baked pastry cases and sprinkle a little cinnamon on top.

Bake for around 20 minutes at 140 degrees until the custard has set.

This recipe is taken from my book ‘Eat like a Viking!’ Available now on Amazon