
Fiery Ginger Marmalade


• 4 lemons (zest and juice)

• 1kg grated courgette

• 1kg jam sugar

• 100g freshly grated root ginger

• 200g crystallised stem ginger (finely chopped)


Put the lemon juice, zest and courgette into a large pan and warm gently to release some of the juices.

Add the sugar and the ginger and bring to the boil. Simmer for around 10 - 15 minutes until setting point is reached.

Leave to cool for 10 minutes, before pouring into warm, sterilised jars.

Crab Apple Jelly

I love stocking the cupboard with crab apple jelly, it’s great spread on toast or served with pork. It's a fantastic pinky orange colour. High in pectin, there is no need to use jam sugar with these apples.

Try adding other wild fruits, such as blackberries, to the mix.


• 1kg crab apples

• Up to 1kg granulated sugar

• Water


Put the fruit into a large pan and add just enough water to cover the apples. Bring to a boil and simmer until the fruit starts to fall apart.

Strain through a muslin or cheese cloth. Leave to drip for several hours or overnight, but whatever you do avoid squeezing or you’ll end up with cloudy jelly.

Measure the resulting liquid and for every 600ml of juice, you’ll need 450 kg of sugar. Put the juice into a pan and bring to the boil.

Add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Slowly bring to a rolling boil and boil rapidly, without stirring, until setting point is reached. I find this varies

Pour into warm, sterilised jars.

Blackberry whiskey jam


  • 1kg blackberries (leftover from making blackberry whiskey)

  • 1kg jam sugar

  • Splash of blackberry cordial/squash


Heat the fruit in a large pan with the sugar and cordial. Stir until dissolved.

Slowly bring to a rolling boil and boil rapidly, without stirring, for about 10 - 15 minutes until setting point is reached.

Pour into warm, sterilised jars.

Lemon curd


  • 7 Eggs

  • 8 lemons (rind and juice)

  • 200g Butter

  • 400g caster sugar


Melt the butter in a pan. Whilst you wait, beat the eggs.

Once the butter has melted add the rest of the ingredients to the pan and whisk together.

Don’t worry if the mixture looks like it's curdling, it should eventually come together. Give it a whisk every few minutes, to avoid it catching on the bottom of the pan.

Heat for around 10 mins until thick and creamy, but avoid boiling.

Carefully pour into warm sterilised jars and seal.

Store in a cool dry place and refrigerate once opened. Should keep for up to one month

Damson jelly


  • 1 kg damsons (or plums)

  • Up to 1kg granulated sugar

  • Water


Put the fruit into a large pan and half cover with water. Simmer until the fruit starts to fall apart.

Strain through a muslin. Leave to drip for several hours or overnight, but whatever you do avoid squeezing or you’ll end up with cloudy jelly.

Measure the liquid and for every 600ml of juice, you’ll need 450 kg of sugar. Put the juice into a pan and bring to the boil.

Add the sugar and stir until dissolved.

Slowly bring to a rolling boil and boil rapidly, without stirring, for about 10 minutes, or until setting point is reached. This can take 40 minutes or more.

Pour into warm, sterilised jars.