
Blackberry whiskey jam


  • 1kg blackberries (leftover from making blackberry whiskey)

  • 1kg jam sugar

  • Splash of blackberry cordial/squash


Heat the fruit in a large pan with the sugar and cordial. Stir until dissolved.

Slowly bring to a rolling boil and boil rapidly, without stirring, for about 10 - 15 minutes until setting point is reached.

Pour into warm, sterilised jars.

Blackberry Whiskey

Considered by some to be superior to sloe gin, this is a must make for me every summer. Keep the blackberries to use in a pudding, or eat with Ice cream or use to make Jam.


  • 350g blackberries

  • 175g granulated Sugar

  • 700ml whiskey (Scotch or Bourbon - depending on your preference. I think Scotch is better)


Wash your fruit and pick out any leaves or twigs.

Put them into a kilner jar and cover with the sugar. Pour over the whiskey and put the lid on. Shake the jar to mix in the sugar. Shake once a day, for a few days, until the sugar remains dissolved.

After 3 months decant into bottles through a funnel lined with a muslin cloth.

Whilst you can drink this straight away, it does benefit from ageing for a year or more - if you can wait that long!

Pickled Blackberries

Buy Me A Coffee

Be sure to pick your berries before Michaelmas (Sept 29st), after this date it is said the devil pisses on them.


  • 3 tablespoons honey

  • 1/2 cup vinegar

  • 500g/3 cups blackberries


Heat the honey and vinegar, until the honey is dissolved.

Add the blackberries and simmer for 10 minutes.

Strain the berries into warm, sterile jars or another suitable container. Continue to simmer the vinegar solution until it thickens a little. 

Pour the vinegar solution over the berries, seal the jar or container immediately and store for at least a few weeks before eating.

Great served with bread and cheese.