
Fiery Ginger Marmalade


• 4 lemons (zest and juice)

• 1kg grated courgette

• 1kg jam sugar

• 100g freshly grated root ginger

• 200g crystallised stem ginger (finely chopped)


Put the lemon juice, zest and courgette into a large pan and warm gently to release some of the juices.

Add the sugar and the ginger and bring to the boil. Simmer for around 10 - 15 minutes until setting point is reached.

Leave to cool for 10 minutes, before pouring into warm, sterilised jars.

Ginger wine

This one is super easy to make and great on a cold winter evening by the fire.


  • 50g root ginger

  • 1.5kg granulated sugar

  • 100g raisins

  • 2 tsp of citric acid (or the juice and rind of 2 lemons)

  • 4.5l water (boiled)

  • 1 tsp of wine yeast

  • 1 campden tablet (optional)

  • 1 teaspoon fermentation stopper (optional)

  • 1 teaspoon Bentonite (optional)

  • Rum


Grate the ginger into a bucket, add the sugar, raisins, citric acid, and 2.5l boiled water and stir well.

Mix in 2 litres of cold water and finally add your yeast. Take a reading using a hydrometer. This is known as the Original gravity or OG.

Cover loosely for 1 week before straining into a demijohn with an airlock.

When fermentation ends (bubbles passing through the airlock at less than one a minute) take another hydrometer reading. This is known as the Final gravity or FG. Using a simple formula, (OG - FG) x 0.13 = %, you can then figure out the alcohol content of your finished brew

Finally, add a few capfuls of rum to your bottles, syphon the wine in and cork. Age for a minimum of 3 months before drinking.

Chicken & Ginger Soup

A knob of Butter
1 onion (roughly chopped)
600g Chicken breast (cut into chunks)
1L chicken stock
2 white or purple carrots (quartered and sliced)
2 sticks of celery (roughly chopped)
A small bunch of wild garlic leaves (Finely chopped)
1 thumb sized piece of ginger (Finely chopped)

Melt the butter in a large pan or cauldron. Add the onion and fry for a few minutes to soften.

Add the chicken and fry for a few minutes.

Pour over the chicken stock and add the carrots, celery, garlic and ginger. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Serve with fresh sourdough bread

Taken from my book ‘Eat like a Viking!’ Available now on Amazon