


220g beef (Around 1 steak)

60ml/4 tablespoons cider vinegar

20g/1 tablespoon honey

2 tsp juniper berries

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper


Freeze the beef for about 45 minutes, this will make slicing it easier.

Slice the frozen beef as thinly as possible and place in a suitable container for marinading.

Mix together the rest of the ingredients and pour over the beef. Marinade for a couple of hours.

Heat your oven to 80 degrees Celsius. Remove the beef from the marinade and place in a single layer in the oven.  Cook for 2-2.5 hours, until dry.

Pinnekjot (stick-meat)


  • 250g salt

  • Goat, lamb or pork ribs

  • Water

  • Birch sticks (bark removed)


To preserve;

Place the ribs in a large container and work the salt into the meat, making sure every part is covered.

Leave to rest somewhere cold or in the fridge for 24 hours per Kg. Turning every 12 hours.

Brush the excess salt off and hang in a cool & dry location. Dry for 4-6 weeks.

To cook;

Separate the ribs lengthwise and place to soak in cold water overnight.

In a large pan or cauldron build a grid with the birch sticks by criss-crossing the sticks in the bottom.

Add water to the pan, to just about cover the sticks. Place the ribs on top of the grid and pop a lid on the pan. Leave the meat to steam for 2-3 hours on a low heat. Be sure to add water occasionally to make sure it does not go dry. When the meat falls off the bone, it is done.

If you choose you can put the meat on a grill for about 15-20 minutes to crisp prior to serving.

Taken from my book ‘Eat like a Viking!’ Available now on Amazon

Salt dough lamb


  • 600g Flour

  • 300g salt

  • Water

  • 1/2 a Leg of lamb

  • Rosemary or juniper berries

Mix together the flour and salt and slowly add water, bringing it together to form a stiff dough.

Roll out the dough thin enough that it will encase the leg of lamb.

Make slits in the lamb with a sharp knife and stuff a little rosemary or juniper berries into the flesh.

Wrap the leg in the salt dough and cook for 2 hours (rare) up to 3 hours (well done) over hot coals, turning occasionally. Depending on conditions, this may need extra cooking time.

Remove the now burnt and blackened salt dough before serving.

Taken from my book ‘Eat like a Viking!’ Available on Amazon

Pot roasted lamb shank

Buy Me A Coffee


  • 2 lamb shanks

  • Butter

  • 1 onion (peeled)

  • 2 turnips

  • 2 white carrots or parsnips

  • 2 sticks of celery

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • 100 ml mead

  • 1 tablespoon flour

  • 1 litre beef stock

  • 2 bay leaves

  • 2 teaspoons black peppercorns (crushed)


Melt some butter in a large skillet or frying pan. Add the lamb shanks and sear them for 10-15 minutes. Leave to one side

Melt some butter in a large casserole dish or cauldron. Chop the onions, Turnips, carrots/parsnips, and celery and add to the dish. Add the honey, mix well and cook for 10 minutes.

Stir in the mead, flour, peppercorns & bay, followed gradually by the beef stock. Bring to a simmer.

Add the lamb to the dish and cook, covered if possible, for 2.5- 3 hours or until the lamb is falling off the bones.