


220g beef (Around 1 steak)

60ml/4 tablespoons cider vinegar

20g/1 tablespoon honey

2 tsp juniper berries

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper


Freeze the beef for about 45 minutes, this will make slicing it easier.

Slice the frozen beef as thinly as possible and place in a suitable container for marinading.

Mix together the rest of the ingredients and pour over the beef. Marinade for a couple of hours.

Heat your oven to 80 degrees Celsius. Remove the beef from the marinade and place in a single layer in the oven.  Cook for 2-2.5 hours, until dry.

Osterhlafas (Oyster loaf)

Buy Me A Coffee


  • 1 large loaf of bread

  • Large knob of butter

  • 1/2 cup of white wine

  • 1/2 a cup of water

  • 12 Oysters (cleaned and shucked)

  • 1/2 cup beef (cut into small pieces)

  • 1 tablespoon of suet

  • 2 egg yolks

  • 2 tsp Parsley

  • Salt & Pepper


Cut a ‘lid’ from the top of the loaf and scoop out the insides of the loaf, to make a bowl. Retain half the bread filling and break into small pieces.

Melt the butter in a pan and add the bread pieces, along with the wine and the water. Heat gently while squashing the bread pieces with a spoon to further break them up.

Bring to a simmer and add the beef and suet. Simmer for around 5 minutes. Add the oysters (including their liquid) and simmer for a few minutes.

Stir in the egg yolks, parsley and season with salt & pepper.

Pour the mixture into the hollow loaf and pop the bread ‘lid’ back on.

Put the loaves into a pre heated oven at 160 degrees Celsius, and bake for around 20 -25 minutes, until the filling has set.

Serve by slicing into think cuts.

Damson & Beef Stew

Buy Me A Coffee


  • Butter

  • 400g beef

  • 2 small onions

  • 2 sticks of celery

  • 2 carrots (white or purple – not orange!)

  • Small bunch of fermented wild Garlic

  • 12 Damsons

  • Splash of red wine

  • 2 tsp freshly ground pepper

  • 2 tsp Salt

  • Water


Melt the butter in a pan or cauldron. Add the beef and fry for 5 – 10 minutes. 

Roughly chop the onions, celery, carrots and garlic and add to the pan. Fry for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.

Stone and quarter the damsons and add to the pan, along with the red wine and salt & pepper. 

Add enough water to just about cover everything. Bring to a boil and simmer for about an hour, until the meat is tender.