
Toffee Apples

This will make enough toffee for the apples plus a little extra. Poor the leftovers onto a piece of greaseproof paper and leave to set. Break into pieces with a toffee hammer or knife.


  • 300g caster sugar

  • 200g golden syrup

  • 100ml water

  • 6 apples


Pop lolly sticks into your apples. Put the sugar, syrup, and water, into a pan.

Melt on a medium heat, stirring occasionally. Once the sugar has all melted and turned a caramel colour, stop stirring. Boil the sugar until it reaches 150 degrees (hard crack) on a thermometer.

If you don’t have a thermometer, drop a little of the sugar into some water, it should set hard instantly.

Turn off the heat and carefully dip your apples into the toffee. Place onto a piece of greaseproof paper until set hard.

Rocky roads


• 50g Butter

• 200g dark chocolate

• 2.5 tbsp golden syrup

• 100g rich tea biscuits, roughly broken

• 100g mini marshmallows

• 100g cranberries

• 100g Brazil nuts, roughly chopped


On a low heat, melt the spread, chocolate and syrup together in a pan.

Line a square baking dish with cling film

Once the chocolate and spread mix is completely melted, add the rest of the ingredients to the pan and mix through.

Pour the mixture into the baking dish and place it in the fridge for a few hours, or overnight, until set.

Remove from the dish and discard the cling film. Chop into bite-sized squares.

Sweet Saxon Bread

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Buy Me A Coffee


  • 100g/1/4 cup melted Butter

  • 250g/3/4 cup full fat cream

  • 2 tablespoons honey

  • 1 Egg

  • 450g/ 2 1/4 cups flour

  • Tsp Yeast

  • 1/2 tsp Salt


In a large bowl mix together the butter, cream, honey & egg.

Add the flour, yeast and salt and mix together to form a slightly sticky dough.

Tip out onto a work surface and knead for around 5-10 minutes.

Roll your dough into a ball, and dust with a little flour. Put it into a bowl and cover loosely with a damp cloth, to stop it drying out. Leave to prove for half an hour.

Divide the dough into four, take one piece and roll it into a sausage. Join the two ends of the sausage together, forming a circle. Finally twist the circle in half to form an ‘8’. Continue until you have four ‘8’ shaped mini loaves.

Bake for 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 220 degrees Celsius.

Remove from the oven, the loaves should sound hollow when you tap them on the bottom.

Leave to cool fully before eating.


The word Halva comes from the Arabic word Hulw, or sweet. There are versions of it appearing all over the world, in different forms, and under different names, with some versions dating back as far as the 7th century!

There are so many ways to make this, you could replace the honey with sugar, for a vegan version, or replace the pistachios with other ingredients, such as, dried fruits, nuts or chocolate.


  • 340g honey

  • Handful of pistachios

  • Tsp vanilla extract

  • 450g tahini


Heat the honey in a pan until it reaches 115 degrees Celsius, or ‘soft ball’ on a thermometer.

Stir in the pistachios and vanilla extract, followed by the tahini. Mix well, until fully incorporated.

Pour into a greased and lined cake tin, and leave to cool.

Once cool remove from the tin and wrap well in cling film. Refrigerate for a minimum of 24 hrs.