
Blood sausage (black pudding)


  • 100g oats

  • 100g barley

  • 1 onion

  • 100g pork fat

  • 3 tsp salt

  • 3 tsp ground pepper

  • 1 tsp ground coriander seeds

  • 1 tsp ground mustard seeds

  • 1 tsp finely chopped fresh thyme

  • 1 tsp finely chopped fresh savory

  • 50g dried blood

  • 150ml cold water

  • Sausage casings


Cook the barley until soft, drain and leave to cool.

In a large bowl, mix together the oats and barley. 

Finely chop 1 onion and cut the pork fat into cubes. Add to the bowl of oats and barley, along with the salt, pepper, coriander, thyme and savory. Mix well. 

Mix 50g dried blood with 250ml of cold water and stir into the oat/barley mixture.

Attach a length of sausage casing to a sausage horn or funnel, tying a knot in the bottom.

Stuff the mixture through the horn into the casing.

It's a messy job, best done outside, or in the sink. Avoid over filling the casing, or it will split when being cooked later, as the filling will expand during the process.

Tie the end of the casing, and cook in hot, but not boiling water. If you have a thermometer, you are aiming for around 80 degrees Celsius.

Cook for 60 minutes. Once cooked leave to cool fully.

To eat, slice and fry for several minutes.


Use the cut end of a piece of horn to aid the stuffing of sausage cases. An old drinking horn works well. It needs to be small enough to fit a casing on to, but with an opening large enough to stuff meat through. Mine measures approximately 2’’ long by 1’’ at its narrowest. The opening at the small end is about 1/2 inch, but find what works for you.

When you cut the horn, you may need to use a drill to open up the hole a little more.


Recipe 1;

  • 240g venison

  • 60g pork fat

  • 1 tsp wild garlic

  • ½ an onion

  • ½ tsp of salt

  • ¼ tsp freshly ground pepper

  • Sausage casings (soaked in cold water and rinsed)

Recipe 2;

  • 240g Pork

  • 60g pork fat

  • 1 tsp summer savory

  • ½ tsp salt

  • ¼ tsp freshly ground pepper

  • Sausage casings (soaked in cold water and rinsed)

Chop the ingredients up as finely as possible, then knead and mash the ingredients together for a few minutes. If you have a sausage maker you could grind the meat through this to save a lot of time.

Push one end of your pre soaked sausage casing over a sausage horn and tie the loose end.

Stuff the ingredients through the horn into the casing. This is a slow process, don’t rush or overfill the casing, or it might split.

Twist the sausage at even intervals to mark out individual sausages. If there is any trapped air in the sausages prick the skin with a small needle or pin.

To cook these, boil them in water (or try stock or beer) for 10-15 minutes, until cooked through. Alternatively, though less authentic for the time, they can be grilled or fried.

Taken from my book ‘Eat like a Viking!’ Available now on Amazon