
Split pea pottage


  • Butter

  • 6 rashers of Bacon (roughly chopped)

  • 1 leek (roughly chopped)

  • 2 sticks of celery (roughly chopped)

  • 1.5L chicken stock (any stock will work)

  • 300g Dried split peas

  • Handful of wild garlic (finely 3chopped)

  • 2 tsp fresh mint (roughly chopped)

Melt some butter in a large pan or cauldron.

Add the bacon and cook for a few minutes, until starting to brown. Add the leeks and celery and fry for a few minutes.

Pour in the stock and add the peas, garlic and mint.

Bring to a boil and simmer for about an hour, until reduced by a third and the peas are soft. If necessary top up with more water.

Taken from my book ‘Eat like a Viking!’ Available now on Amazon